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Questionnaires--P ractical Hints on How to Avoid Mistakes in Design and Interpretation--By T.L.Brink, PhD, MBA (2004)

Buy this book before you implement that expensive survey!

Questionnaires is a practical guide to questionnaire design and interpretation with a problem-solution format.
This book  is different from others on this topic in that it is designed to be immediately helpful for people who have real-world constraints of budgets and deadlines. It focusses on eliminating costly errors in design rather than extensive theoretical aspects.
The book is for people who have a need to design questionnaires: those who work in marketing research, public relations, opinion polling, and human resources. Questionnaires will be of practical use to executives in business, governmental, and not-for-profit organizations who have to make decisions based upon data from surveys.
While it is not designed primarily for scholars and professors of research methodology its straightforward explanations should be immediately useful to students in graduate programs requiring a thesis for degrees in Business, Public Administration, Public Health, Psychology, and Sociology.
T.L Brink holds a doctorate in psychology from The University of Chicago) and an M.B.A. from Santa Clara University. He is known worldwide for development of psychometric instruments for the assessment of psychopathology (e.g., the Geriatric Depression Scale), and has taught research methodology to psychology, sociology, business, public administration, and public health students at U.S., Mexican and Spanish universities.
Brink is the author of several hundred articles and reviews in journals such as American Journal of Psychiatry, Academy of Management Review, Contemporary Psychology. He has several dozen encyclopedia articles on topics such as qualitative methods, management theory, measurement of religiosity,  and has authored, co-authored, or edited nine previous books.

Table of Contents

T.L. Brink--Questionnaires   ISBN 1-888725-74-5, 6½X8¼, 280 pp, $18.95  Questionnaires--Practical Hints on How to Avoid Mistakes in Design and Interpretation--By T.L.Brink

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Sexually Transmitted Diseases:

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8 1/2 X 5 1/2 paperbackpublished 2006 1-888725-58-3, 8¼X6½,  290 pp.
Sexually Transmitted Diseases—Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment, Prevention-2nd Edition
Assembled and Edited by R.J.Banis, PhD, (2006)
Teacher friendly —free to copy for nonprofit education. Illustrated with more than 70 photographs and illustrations
This book can be ordered by mail. for $18.95, plus $3.50 for shipping.
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last modified December 5, 2007